
Please Note that Bianchi is not an IPSC Event, and no SAPSA Points will

be awarded for participation in a Bianchi Event)

For the 2023 Year:

Sunday, 12 March 2023

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Sunday, 9 July 2023

Sunday, 15 October 2023

All taking Place at Premier Shooting Club.

Click on the button Below for all the Bianchi Results

So what is Bianchi about?

Click onto the link Below:

We are shooting Bianchi at the Premier Club

The Course of Fire consists of four separate matches:

The Practical Event:
From the appropriate shooting line, the shooter fires at distances from 10 yards to 50 yards under varying time limits.

The Barricade Event:

From within shooting boxes and behind barricades, a shooter fires at targets on either side of the barricade at different distances and under varying time limits.

The Falling Plate Event:

From the appropriate shooting line, the shooter fires at 8 inch round steel plates arranged in banks of six at distances from 10 to 25 yards under varying time limits.

The Moving Target Event:

From within shooting boxes at distances ranging from 10 to 25 yards, the shooter fires at a target moving from left to right with the target being exposed for only 6 seconds.

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